I love technology. I’m not joking when I say I would not be able to survive without my iPhone and it’s apps, and I’m pretty sure my friends would think there was something wrong with me if I was ever without it. What I truly love about emerging tech is the fact that it is now becoming an essential part of fashion, fitness and gaming. I’ve been taking a look at some of the best wearable technology out there at the moment and have selected five of my favourites which I think are a must for any tech-loving fashionista.
The Apple Watch
As a self-confessed iFan, I was excited to see how this product measured up to existing Apple products already on the market. I love the way a traditional concept, the watch, has been transformed into something so sleek and modern. I mean, who wears a watch these days? I know I didn’t before purchasing one of these beauties. The Apple Watch, like all similar items, is to be used in conjunction with mobile phone technology, so in order to use the watch you will need a iPhone 5 and above. The Apple Watch can be used as a fitness tool, a music player, for payments using Apple Pay. Wearers can also access all sorts of entertainment apps including online games. The one downside however is the fact that it isn’t an independent piece of technology and you will need an iPhone to use it, but it is still a fashionable and practical extension of your mobile and this is why it gets a firm thumbs up from me.
Wearables for Gamers
If you’re a gamer, you love technology ā it’s a given. But what if you’re a gamer who also loves fashion? Say hello to the Tesla Suit. This full body suit is truly incredible and features a control belt, haptic feedback gloves, vest and pants, making any virtual reality game more immersive than ever before. The suit is to be used alongside a VR headset as well as being compatible with game consoles, mobiles and PCs. To give you some idea of how amazing this really is, imagine checking into your favourite Coral Interactive online casino game and actually feeling like you are at a Vegas casino. How awesome would it be? Add to this the scope for different suit designs, I have no doubt there will be soon be a great selection here, including Tuxedos to be worn while playing online casino games, and even superhero suits for when you’re immersed in an action-packed Marvel game. I’m so excited just thinking about the sensational array of possibilities and to be honest, this wearable tech is probably my favourite so far.
Less is More with Invisible Wearables
Yup, you read it right: invisible wearables are actually a thing… well they will be in the very near future. As any self-respecting lover of fashion knows, less is indeed more, and with tech tattoos throwing biowearables onto centre stage, you could soon be monitoring your fitness without anyone noticing a thing. Tech tattoos are also a brilliant idea for those who need to monitor their health and works by putting an electroconductive ink directly onto the skin, transmitting information such as temperature and vital signs onto a separate device. Chaotic Moon is the company currently developing the concept and a spokesperson for the innovative business states that they think it could assist with tracking of armed forces, and also the monitoring of children’s health. The concept is certainly more appealing than the idea of intrusive implants, which are not easily removed once in-situ and from a fashion point of view, tech tats have the potential to come in a whole array of individual designs.
I never knew invisible wearables was a thing! That is really cool. I see a lot of people with Apple Watches and I feel it is good for the purpose but I prefer just a timeless watch in my collection. Loved this post though, I know my boyfriend would love to read this š http://www.bauchlefashion.com