Hey guyssss.
So if you’re a regular reader of this blog – you’d know I’ve been slacking with my uploads recently. I used to upload twice a week without fail, but now it’s become once a week and occasionally every other week. The question is – why? Well, #1, I got busy at a point, fell off the wagon then, and really struggled to get back up. #2 – I actually haven’t had much to say. I know – this is a poor excuse for a blogger. I usually have a constant inflow of ideas that come to me for blog posts I want to write about and typically I jot them down in my notes – but recently whenever I go and look at this list of things I want to write about hidden in my notes – everything just seems way too dry. I started writing up one of the ideas today before I decided that actually – I just didn’t feel like it. #3, well, I think the entire world of blogging is currently as fatigued as I am. A lot of my favourite bloggers are either not blogging anymore or blogging once in a blue moon, the attention has shifted to Instagram (even for myself), and I guess I felt sort of a – “meh, why do I ever care?” Regardless, the truth is that that I’m a writer at heart, and there definitely are still bloggers out there putting out engaging content – I do think there still is demand for good, entertaining pieces. Of course, the landscape has changed… but maybe that’s a blog for another day. Today – I wanted to keep things very light hearted. No think pieces – I’m too tired for that. No overthinking – I don’t have it in me for that today. Just a very first world problems piece… ladies, let’s talk about Instagram – the realities vs. what you see.

The Gym Selfie
What you see: Clearly – I’ve just had a sweaty gym sesh. I’m feeling elated. On my way into the change rooms to get ready and go, I stop, snap a few quick pics, and get on with my day. Post some motivational sh*t on Instagram with the photo – and, you know, the usual.
What really happened: The first thing to note about gym selfies is that they are totally unnatural. And by unnatural I don’t mean the photo is heavily edited afterwards – I mean that the way I bend, contort and position my body is done in such a way to achieve the maximum illusion of the thic-ness I’m working so hard to achieve in the gym. This is easier done in an environment where it’s just me, my camera and the mirror – but of course, it’s a gym, which means that sometimes the changing rooms are occupied and even if they’re not, someone could walk in mid-selfie and have to awkwardly pretend like they don’t think you’re somewhat strange. It’s a race against time really and in a room packed with gym-goers, it can put an abrupt stop to your selfie plans altogether (unless you’re really that b and don’t care at all).

The Actual Selfie
What you see: Effortless! As my caption may suggest, I was running out to work and decided to take a selfie because I quite liked my highlight. Lighting is good – a few quick snaps – then off to work I go!
What really happened: I’m honestly, really not so great when it comes to taking selfies. I know, what sort of shameful blogger am I? Whilst selfies can look super effortless and quick – the truth is I usually take these on my balcony just before work to take advantage of the morning light (although – the way things are set up these days – I’m leaving for work when the sun is still rising!) It requires many, many, many takes with a shaky hand outside when it’s sometimes a bit windy (it is the UK after all), and often cold; and actually, more times than not, I hate every single shot and decide not to post anything!

The Shoot Days
What you see: Professional, crisp photos somewhere fancy in London like Nottinghill. Tons of shots in trendy items – some gifted like this cute knit – the weather probably looks pretty alright, and altogether it seems like a pretty chill, pretty fun and pretty easy day!
What really happened: Shoot days are far from glamorous. For one – they are actually super tiring! Marianne and I often shoot 4 looks in one hour and honestly by the time I get to the last outfit, and have done numerous walks up and down and completely rinsed out the hand in hair pose – boy, I am tiredt (yes, with a T!) Also – nobody ever really thinks about how we switch from one outfit to the next. Sometimes, it could be a McDonalds, sometimes it could be a pub, sometimes it could just be a quiet corner. The change is so seamless – literally a few seconds long at max – as you become so accustomed to changing quickly and changing efficiently. Finally, you have to get all the outfits in one place in the first place – this includes accessories (for example perhaps I’m shooting a watch advertisement, or one for sunglasses), coats and shoes – it’s a lot of lugging stuff around often to quite far locations. The results are worth it and it is quite important to what I’m doing currently, but just getting to the results is really not very fun at all. I’ll admit: I hate shoot days!
Shop This Look
Jumper: Femme Luxe Finery*
Shoes: LOTD* (similar)
Trousers: Missguided (similar)
Watch: MVMT*
Sunglasses: MVMT*
Photos: Marianne Olaleye

The “Picture Perfect” Flicks
The reality… The holiday flicks, the (occasional) “cute” couple flick. I must say – there isn’t too much “tea” behind this one. Instagram is a highlight reel – so of course I’m posting my favourite photos and if I end up abroad in somewhere beautiful like Santorini – you best believe I’m going to spam my Instagram with those photos. I will say that whilst I am abroad – although I do know it’s the perfect opportunity to get some really sick content (and luckily – I do genuinely enjoy taking photos), I don’t let it consume me. We live in a world where everyone is absolutely obsessed with social media and showing off their best lives, and I try not to get too sucked up in it all. On the “couple goals” front – whilst I do put my relationship online when I feel like it (more so – I just don’t hide it), it’s not everyday couple selfies, paragraphs and a quest to meet the “couple goals” quota (for me, personally). I really don’t care for it. I’m also very realistic – I’m an honest person, as you know, and I don’t try and paint my life with any special type of glitter (and this is something for us all to remember, before social media is cited as a means of feeling inadequate!)
Very real! I like Instagram because I’m more of a pictures person than a “status” person (like twitter or facebook). I think you’re totally right about the “gym selfies.”
Very cool post idea!
xx, Des | https://www.itsbetterinheels.com/