So, I haven’t done a Midweek Motivation post in a while. I’ve wanted to write this up for a while but have found myself quite busy. It’s currently not quite midweek, and I’m talking about the new year whilst we’re already half way through January, butttt – it’s never too late. Really, how can I have a motivational section of my blog and not write about how I plan to make 2016 my best year?
A lot of people are quite cynical when it comes to setting goals and targets for the new year, and every year someone makes the ‘new year, new me’ joke – being that, of course, deciding to make changes in your life can be done at any time. But I really think sitting down and thinking about what you want to get out of the year ahead can only ever be a good thing.
Evaluate your last year
Every year I sit down and really look back at the year just passed. Because I have a blog, this is something I’m usually able to do online, but when I was really young, I’d still scribble all my thoughts into a diary. I always like to look at how I’ve grown, what good memories I’ve had, and most importantly – what I’ve learned. Taking lessons learned into the new year and starting fresh is something I think is a good base for making a change.
Set yourself some resolutions
Resolutions can really be as deep as you want them to be. Some people go absolutely in for their resolutions, Patricia Bright (YouTuber that I’m sure you all know), is someone who says she does this. Some people keep it a lot more to the surface. I always love looking back on my resolutions after a year has passed and seeing what I have and haven’t accomplished. It’s a bit like the post I wrote on the Law of Attraction, sometimes all it takes is you believing something is possible in your mind, for you to start making active movements towards attaining it.
Sometimes we all just need to a do a big spring clean on our lives. This step is really a lot easier said than done. There are always those things we all plan to do and just never get done. For example, clearing out our e-mail inboxes, unsubscribing to those random e-mail chains, cleaning under our beds. The new year, with a fresh start, is always a good time to finally force yourself to get these tasks done.
Who is in your life?
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. I have realised firsthand in 2015 how much changing the people around you can really affect you. First of all, negative people have to go; when someone around you is putting a dark cloud over your everyday activities, this is really not someone you need in your life. Second of all – what about those old friends that you’ve been telling yourself you’re going to reconnect with for months now? Really look at who you have around you, who you want around you, and what changes you think need to be made to make you happier.
Be positive
And finally, be positive. Life is what you make it – if you want this to be a great year, then it can be.
To make this year my best year I want to travel and have more adventures. I’ve been so busy with so much work in 2015 I feel like I missed out on living.