This time three years ago, I had one thing on my mind – and that was turning up at freshers week. That’s all I cared about. Now, three years later, as I write this, I’m chilling in my boyfriend’s room watching Braxton Family Values as he and his friends take turns on Fifa – and mannn, what a three years it has been! Definitely three of the most eventful and amazing years of my life that I simply will never forget. A full on university experience post (or video) is on its way, but feeling nostalgic, I wanted to tell you guys 10 things I am taking away with me post university…

University really is a place to meet some absolutely amazing friends that you will (probably) keep in touch with for a long, long time. Even if that’s just one person. Along the way, you will lose friends and make friends; I’ve gone to university and made tons of acquaintances, but only a handful of truly valuable friendships with people I always want to be a part of my life, which is what matters more to me!
A lot of people say you’ll go to university and meet your soul mate and I actually did (well, I don’t completely believe in soul mates but that’s a story for another day). I’ve been with my boyfriend coming up to two years now, and we’re as strong as we were on day one. The best thing is he’s also my best friend and even almost two years into our relationship we’re able to crack each other up daily.
I’ve lived out for three years and I’m lucky to be going into a job soon that will allow me to earn and still save enough such that I can continue living out in the beauty that is Central London. I did consider going back to live at home post graduation to spend more time with my family and save even more, but giving up my independence is something I just couldn’t do. Seeing as I live in greater London at home, and rent out in Central London for university and work, my family is never too far away anyways. I honestly feel like a fully grown adult now, and I know I wouldn’t have felt this way if I hadn’t gone to university.

I grew up living on the border of London near Kent, and everyone in my area is basically the same, which is the most unexciting thing ever. My university is very, very international and I remember some people in my secondary school finding that fact strange but I actually think its pretty great. Getting to meet and getting to know people from different lifestyles, backgrounds, and cultures is a lot more exciting than meeting people in Kent who all live down the road from you.
I thought I was ambitious before I started university? I had no idea. I’ve always been pretty proud of my achievements and I appreciate that I have achieved a good amount of things, even if it’s just this little blog that provides some extra income, allows me to meet amazing people and work with brands I admire. Howeverrrr! When you go to a university like LSE? I’ll make you look at your achievements, think “so what?”, and push even harder than you ever have before. Now I’m tryna work in investment banking, blog and start a business all at the same time! That is something so precious about being around such driven, successful people.
God knows where I’ll be without them! I’ve always been good at this whole education thing. Give me a textbook and some practice questions, and it’ll typically go okay. But, when it came to thinking about actual life post secondary school, I was a like a deer in headlights. My parents have provided me with so much guidance and now I’ve graduated with a strong 2:1 from one of the best universities in a world! I’ll tell you with a hand on my heart that I wouldn’t have reached this point without them.

I feel like my experiences in university taught me a lot about people. For example, I ended first year completely discovering my worth and decided that I will never spend time crying over a boy that I allowed to mess with me – and since then, I haven’t. I ended second year knowing that not everyone is as nice as they seem and not everyone has your interests at heart, and that has stopped me trying too hard in a few crappy friendships, and saved myself a lot of stress.
I’m naturally not the loudest most outgoing person in the world. I’m quite chilled out, quite reserved, and at times quite quiet. However, university basically forces you to put yourself out there. Every single day, whether it be on campus, at a networking event, at a friend’s event, whatever, you are constantly having to meet and chat to new people. University gives you no choice but to increase your confidence at a pretty exponential rate.
Given that a 2:1 degree is a requirement of the job I’m going in to (Investment Banking), I definitely couldn’t have done that without university (obvs). Further, a blessing and curse about my uni is that everyone is focused on getting jobs from day one. A curse? Because when I was a fresher, I just wanted to have a good time and live in the now instead of thinking about how I’m going to get a job. A blessing? Well, because if I had done that and hadn’t had people around me to motivate me, I probably wouldn’t have a job.
In my introductory course lecture, the lecturer basically said, in a nutshell – “guys, I know you’re used to being top of your class. But this? This is gonna be hard!”
I’ve made it through the other side – smarter now, better at studying now, and pretty sure that unless I do furthur studies such as a masters or MBA, no other exam will be as hard as what I’ve taken on at the LSE. Sure, it took late library nights, stress and on the odd occasional tears – but I did it!
I’m not going to lie, after getting a 2:1 when I wanted a 1st so badly, I had a bitter taste in my mouth and was ready to say see ya to university right there and then. However, after having some time to slap myself across the face and learn to appreciate what I have, I am feeling fully (well, mostly) content with my university experience! Three of the best years of my life without a doubt.

Congratulations! Thank you for that write-up, it was wonderful and motivational to read about your university experience. My undergraduate experience wasn’t as amazing as yours sounds but it did change me for the better! š I will be studying a master’s degree at King’s soon and Im really looking forward to it, partly because I’ve never lived in London.
So glad you found it helpful!! Best of luck with your masters! Living in London is great š
congrats on graduating! i feel like i graduated ages ago and i’ve sort of forgotten about the whole experience already haha. i’m actually planning on getting my masters in london as well, so that’ll definitely make a big change in my life coming from america. good luck with everything!
Awww that is amazing! I’m glad you learnt so much from school. Congratulations on completing and getting your degree! I remember how happy I was when I graduated. Happy, but in a way sad too because I was leaving.
Congrats on the graduation!
Gemma x
Great Post dear. Congratulations on your graduation.