A lot of us make resolutions every year – but how often do we actually go back to these and see how we did? See how I did on mine below – the highs, the lows, the successes and the failures.

1. Lead and healthy and fit lifestyle
I think this has made its way onto my resolutions list every year for the past 5+ years. It’s sort of just second nature to slap it in there but still never really think too deeply about it. The truth is I spent 6 months of the year so far away from this goal – I was living my best unhealthy life and loving it! I was eating chocolate cakes every weekend, sausage omlettes for breakfast every day, and pork belly for dinner several times a week. I would go to the gym here and there and I remember walking out once and wondering when I’d finally have that epiphany moment where I decided to take my fitness/health seriously. Well, it came. At the start of July, I started on my journey, and it’s literally been one of the best decisions I’ve ever taken. I’m learning so much on this journey (including dispelling myths that I once believed such as: “girls shouldn’t lift” and “carbs are the devil”), to the point where it’s finally become a lifestyle. There’ll be more on this in tomorrow’s roundup post, but I’m happy to check this off as completed!
2. Continue to travel and make experiences around the world
This year I traveled to four countries, but weirdly I felt like I wasn’t travelling enough up until the end of the year where I decided to stop putting the pressure on myself to be abroad all the time and just let life be and develop naturally. Travelling is definitely an experience I really value, just as I love having the time off to myself, and also I enjoy having the time to discover new countries and cultures. Also it means that I can get out of cold, dreary England where we really only see the sun once in a blue moon. Next year I have a few holidays planned and one already booked, so I reckon it’ll come to the 4/5 or even 6 number (if I’m pushing it), similarly to this year. I’m looking forward to making more memories!
Jacket: Mango (similar)
Jacket: ASOS (similar)
Skirt: Zara (similar)
Shoes: Fenty x Puma (shop Puma)
Photos: Marianna Olaleye

3. Spruce up my wardrobe, my makeup collection, and invest in some classic, timeless pieces for my collections
My wardrobe has definitely changed a ton since when I first graduated as I’ve had more spare cash to buy more of the things I want. I remember when I wrote this resolution I was in a stage where I was just constantly shopping but as the year went on I calmed down a bit and just started to shop when necessary/when I felt like it. I didn’t even shop in the boxing day sales! (Well, aside from one sports bra + BCAAS from MyProtein, oops.) In terms of timeless pieces I entered the year with an obsession for designer bags and ended up purchasing a Kate Spade and a little later into the year, a Gucci bag. I can definitely still see myself purchasing items like this in the future and next year, just because i) they are such timeless pieces, ii) I like them and iii) sometimes treat ya damn self. I know everyone has their own opinion on these types of purchases, but in my opinion – spend your money how you want to. In terms of my makeup collection, well it is literally the same as it was last year – so a definite fail here.
4. Save up multiple Ks to eventually go towards a mortgage
I hit my savings goal for the year in November which of course was a good result. I want my savings account to more than double next year, and finally in 2019 I think that’s when I’ll look to buy my own place. I sort of thought I’d just buy my own place when I’m old one day and ready to settle down and continue renting up until this but my parents enlightened me to the merit of getting on the property ladder ASAP, as they themselves are landlords. That said, I also don’t want to rush things, so 2019 seems like a good enough midway point.
5. Grow Skylish to a point that I feel happy, proud and satisfied with my content and social media presence
Is anyone ever totally happy with their own projects or are we not all our worst critics? I find it really hard to be totally content with a lot of the stuff I do because I’m such a perfectionist and so if I’m being totally honest, I can’t say this is a point I’ve achieved this year. What I can say though is that I am generally satisfied with what I’ve achieved with Skylish so far, just as a lot of the things I’ve achieved I never really imagined I ever would. I couldn’t even imagine reaching 100 Bloglovin’ followers once upon a time, let alone 10x that. And at a point 1,000 followers on Instagram seemed so out of reach and now we’re 2.5k over that number! Plus there’s no better feeling than receiving feedback that your blog post has helped someone, or even seeing repeat names pop up on Bloglovin’ for people that always read my posts (you guys are the real OGs). There have definitely been some things to be proud of – and there’s still a lot of room for growth! I’m excited to see what the future holds.
6. Pursue my own business ventures and make an impact with them
Let’s carry this over to next year. Guys, I’m plotting. It’s coming, it’s coming…!

- 2017 Travel Favourites
- 2017 Style Favourites
- 2017 Lifestyle Favourites
- 2017 Advice Favourites
- Reviewing My 2016 Resolutions – How Did I Do?
- 2017 in Review and 2018 Resolutions
Great post as usual. I love to travel too but only went to two countries this year, France and Chile. I went to France to see the Louvre museum. The museum is as magnificent as I’ve imagine. And Easter Island near Chile just as amazing. I hope you’ll have a great 2018 ??????