A few months back, I showed up to an event at uni in a floral shirt, and a friend reacted to this by saying – “woah, you’re wearing colour?!” I remember thinking, “am I not always?” Looking at this outfit, and most of my outfits on this blog, and the number of posts that have been titled ‘all black everything’ or some other sort of play on words for the colours black and white, I’ve finally realised that my wardrobe is extremely monotone…
Often my monotone wardrobe is just by chance, but with this outfit, I really, really, wanted to stick with the grey tones.

ASOS Top [similar] and Skirt [not in stock]
ZARA Knee Highs [not online]
Turtlenecks are an obsession of mine and honestly have been for as long as I can remember. I remember once going into a school ‘own clothes day’ wearing a pink and white striped turtle neck and having my friends tell me a few months down the line that it was really unfashionable. In fact, the turtleneck, my running trainers and cropped jeans when I was younger, all led to me being known as someone who really lacked an sense of fashion (of course, nobody told me about this until years later, when it had become one of those ‘remember when you used to dress like…’ stories). I feel like I waited for the day for turtlenecks to get back into fashion again and once I was older and they were accepted, I loaded my wardrobe with them.
I wore my faux fur collar jacket with this outfit as I think it adds a real feminine touch, which is always lost with any other jacket I own (other than my pink coat, an extremely girly coat, that I love). Of course, I paired everything up with my Zara knee highs, which I am so obsessed with and wear almost every single day.
thinking about it most of my clothes are black as well aha! Love this outfit! x Heather x
I love those boots – they are amazing. I tend to wear a lot of dark colours as well. I just think they suit me better and they’re so easy to pair with something else. Your outfit looks great! Wish I had your fashion sense.